Thursday 24 April 2014


Hey guys! I'm so sorry i haven't been posting anything for you guys these couple of weeks. I've been so busy with assignments and the stress still isn't over. But i felt too guilty for not posting anything and decided to squeeze in the TMI tag for you guys to keep you entertained :) soe questions didn't really apply to me so i had to cut them out. But enjoy and have fun finding things out that maybe you didn't know about me!



1. What are you wearing?
Well i'm at home right now so im wearing my pjs.

2. Ever been in love?

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?

never been in a relationship.

4: How tall are you?

i actually don't know, i think i'm 5'5 (my friends might disagree haha)

5: How much do you weigh?

Again, i really don't know..haven't weighed myself since like...can't even remember!

6: Any tattoos?


7: Any piercings?


8: OTP?

i have too many!!

9: Favorite show?

i watch so many shows! tvd, orignials, tomorrow people, criminal minds, mindy project...but one that i recently started and loving is American Horror Story.

10: Favorite bands?

don't have any

11: Something you miss? .

i miss being a child :( i miss just having nothing to worry about or stress over. No responsibilities.

12: Favorite song?

don't have one.

13: Zodiac sign?

i don't believe in horoscopes so i wouldn't know.

14: Quality you look for in a partner?

this might be generic but humour. everyone loves the company of a funny person and someone who could just make you laugh. And faith ofcourse.

15: Favorite Quote?

i actually have too many, i have this obsession with learning new quotes. But my one of my current favourite is "There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint in this world".

16: Favorite actor?

Jonny Depp

17: Favorite color?


18: Where do you go when you’re sad?

i usually don't go anywhere and just write in my journal, take a nap and hope i forget when i wake up.

19: How long does it take you to shower?

depends. If im rushing it'll probably be like 10-15mins but if im not like probably 30-40 mins.

20: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?


21: Ever been in a physical fight?


22: Fears?
apart from dying? It use to be lifts...but im slowly adapting and not as afraid as i use to be.

23: Last thing that made you cry?

I hardly cry so i literally wouldn't remember.

24: Last book you read?
Fault in Our Stars...again for the 2nd time

25: The book you’re currently reading?

To Kill A Mocking Bird

26: Last show you watched?

Tomorrow People

27: Last person you talked to?

My sister

28: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?

my mum lol

29: Favorite food?


30: Place you want to visit?


31: Do you have a crush?


32: Last time you were insulted?

probably by my friends

33: Favorite flavor of sweet?
i don't really like sweets

34: Favorite piece of jewelry?


35: Last sport you played?


36: Favorite chat up line?

"do you believe in love at first time or should i walk past again?" lol so cheesy omg

37: Have you ever used it?

no, never! And i never will haha

38: Last time you hung out with anyone?

with my friends before i came home